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Aims and Scope

Our mission is to publish an open access, peer reviewed and refereed international journal.

• Research publication
• Peer Reviewed Journal
• International Publication

About Us

The Global Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology (GJAST) is the latest in cutting edge academic publishing that provides up and coming researchers, as well as established experts in the field, a forum for to present their research to the greater scientific community.

GJAST is a peer-reviewed and open access journal that is published monthly and online only. To learn more, contact us at inquiries@gjastonline.com


Editorial Board


Yes, GJAST is an open access journal.

GJAST is published once a month.

GJAST is an electronic journal and no print copies are published.

GJAST is a peer-reviewed journal. It uses a double-blind peer review process. Submissions are sent to two reviewers whose recommendations will be used to decide if a paper is accepted as is, requires changes before being accepted, needs to be re-submitted due to requiring extensive changes, or if it is rejected by the journal.

GJAST publishes original and review papers, scientific models, empirical research and book reviews.

More details on submissions can be made are found at

All authors must carefully follow and ensure that their manuscript adheres to these guidelines exactly.

The review process takes a maximum of two weeks.

Yes, the same author can submit more than one paper at a time.

No. Authors retain the copyrights for all articles published in the Global Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology. The Journal, however, is granted first rights to publish the material.

Yes, if a submission is accepted for publication, author(s) are required to pay a fee. The fee for single author papers is USD 200, and the fee for multiple author papers is USD 125 per author. This fee is compulsory for publication, but we do consider requests for waiving the fee in exceptional circumstances. Method(s) of payment will be communicated to the authors once their submission has been accepted. Further queries on this matter can be addressed to inquiries@gjastonline.com

Yes. Any persons interested in joining the review team of GJAST can reach out to inquiries@gjastonline.com

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